4kW Solar system

A 4kW solar system is slightly smaller than the more popular 6kW and 6.6kW residential solar systems but still manages to provide enough power for many medium sized households.

The image shows a solar panel connected to an inverter with the sun shining on the panel. The adjacent text says '4kW solar system consists of an inverter and between 9 - 12 solar panels'.

Depending on your household’s energy consumption, a 4kW solar system may be enough to completely offset your entire energy use. For others, a 4kW solar system is an ideal way to dramatically reduce energy consumption and lower electricity bills with the option to rely on the grid for additional power when needed.

How much does a 4kW solar system cost?

The cost of a 4kW solar system in Australia ranges from $3,800 - $5,600+ (including installation). The cost of a 4kW system will vary depending on your location, the quality of the system, and the complexity of the installation.

Competitive solar markets like Sydney generally attract more competition between solar providers which translates to lower prices for the end consumer.

We always recommend choosing the best quality system for your budget. The higher upfront cost of a premium solar system will invariably result in more consistent, long-term results.

Average prices for a 4kW solar system based on location

City Price
Adelaide $4,864.00
Brisbane $4,773.00
Melbourne $4,942.00
Perth $4,750.00
Sydney $4,785.00

*Note: these are indicative average figures for a 4kW solar system in these locations. Individual factors including location, quality of unit, and the complexity of installation will influence pricing.

How much power does a 4kW solar system produce?

A 4kW solar system will typically produce between 16kWh to 18kWh of electricity each day. Factors like where you live, seasonality, and the positioning of your solar panels will all play an important role in determining your system's daily solar output.

Expect to see higher outputs on long summer days and lower outputs during the cold and dark winter months. Remember, your 4kW solar system won’t be producing energy around the clock. Your daily solar production of 16kWh to 18kWh will come during daylight hours.

Estimated daily output for a 4kW solar system based on location (Fig 1)

City Solar output
Adelaide 16.8 kWh
Brisbane 16.8 kWh
Melbourne 14.4 kWh
Perth 17.6 kWh
Sydney 15.6 kWh

Roof space needed for a 4kW solar system

A 4kW solar system typically uses 9-12 solar panels and requires between 16-20m² of roof space to fit. An average residential panel is 1.7m² in area and has an average output of 330-440W per panel.

The image shows the outline of a house with the sun shining on solar panels on side of the roof. Text below explains that roof area of between 15 - 21m2 will be required to fit the 9 - 12 panels that make a 4kW system.

The exact number of panels and amount of space required on your roof will depend on the output of each panel. It’s worth noting that while you may only require 15-21m² of roof space to accommodate the required 9-12 solar panels, you’ll likely need some more space to make it easy to access the panels for any future cleaning or maintenance that is required.

Average roof space required for a 4kW system (Fig 2)

Panel power output Number of panels Roof area required (m2)
330W 12 20.40
360W 11 18.70
400W 10 17.00
440W 9 15.30

4kW Solar system savings

A 4kW solar system can potentially save your household approximately $800 - $1,240 each year depending on your location, electricity prices, and the quality of your system.

Using the example of Adelaide where we assume an average electricity price of 43.2c / kWh in Adelaide (Fig 3) and average daily electricity usage of 16.5 kWh , we could expect to see yearly savings of as much as $1,241.50. If you use more than 37% of your electricity during daylight hours, or your electricity use is higher than 16.5 kWh per day, then your savings may be even greater. (Fig 3).

It’s worth noting that these figures do not account for any potential bonus feed-in-tariff rates (FIT) , rather standard rates have been used. Even though a 4kW solar system will typically produce 16kWh to 18kWh of electricity each day and the average Australian household energy consumption is around 18 kWh per day, your system will still earn feed-in-tariffs as it is highly unlikely you will self-consume all of the solar energy generated by your system..

Feed-in tariff rates are an important component of solar savings for smaller systems, just as they are for larger 10kW, or 13kW solar systems.

4kW Solar system savings (Fig 3)

City Electricity price (c / kWh) Estimated annual savings
Adelaide 43.2c $1,241.50
Brisbane 28.4c $924.30
Melbourne 28.3c $801.80
Perth 26.4c $904.35
Sydney 33.6c $1,004.30

*Note: Savings figures are calculated based on an average daily output rate for each state found in (*Fig 2).

4kW Solar system payback period

The average solar payback period for a 4kW solar system in Australia can range from 3 years, 11 months in Adelaide to 6 years, 2 months in Melbourne.

These indicative figures consider the upfront cost to purchase and install a 4kW solar system, the average electricity prices in each location, and the amount of time it would take for the savings to “pay back” the initial upfront cost of the system.

Indicative payback period for a 4kW solar system based on location (Fig 4)

City Payback period (years)
Adelaide 3.9
Brisbane 5.2
Melbourne 6.2
Perth 5.3
Sydney 4.8

Note: The data found in the indicative payback period for a 4kW solar system based on location (*Fig 4) considers the upfront costs found in (*Fig 1) and the estimated savings found in (*Fig 3).

Is a 4kW solar system right for me?

A 4kW system is ideal for homes with low – medium energy requirements and with limited available roof space.

Choosing between a 4kW and a larger 5kW or 6.6kW system will largely depend on your property and your energy requirements. Using our free solar system size calculator, you can get a better idea of whether a 4kW system is going to be right for your home.


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